The Classical High School Alumni Association is committed to turning loyalty into action.

Our gratitude motivates us to give back to our community and strive to Keep Classical Strong.

By submitting this form you are also giving the Classical Alumni Association permission
to share your email address with your class representatives for reunions and other class events.

Who We Are

We are a group of Alumni who highly esteem our Classical education and we desire to “Keep Classical Strong.

Give Back

We “Keep Classical Strong” through ideas, collaborations, volunteers and financial support of faculty & students.

Our Events

Our events are designed to keep our Alumni connected and also supports our mission to “Keep Classical Strong.”

Our Mission

The mission of the Association is to provide support to Classical High School (the “School”) in Providence, Rhode Island. The Association shall achieve its mission by: (i) enhancing the educational experience of current students at the School; (ii) building and maintaining relationships among the School’s alumni and friends; (iii) raising funds for activities of both the School and the Association; and (iv) preserving and supporting the tradition of excellence of the School.

Friends of CHSAA